September 21, 2020

Restaurant Info solution strives to minimize anxiety surrounding the job search

The greatest asset a restaurant has is its employees. 
From the job hunter’s perspective, from time to time it seems as if restaurants never seem to be hiring. Further, anxiety surrounding the job hunt is exacerbated the longer it takes for a hiring manager to respond to the applicant’s resume. In a recent survey, 85% of applicants stated they expect to receive confirmation of their application within two days.

Although, there may be good reason well-qualified applicants expect to hear back from prospective employers so quickly. 

Abbe Diaz, “former maitre d’ to the stars,” states good front-of-house employees must be “excellent multitaskers, be humble yet affable, efficient yet fastidious, astute but fast, energetic but organized, delicate but durable, be knowledgeable about food and wine and etiquette and society, and also be well-groomed and tireless on top of all that.“

Enter the Restaurant Info solution for those seeking to further their career in the restaurant industry!

Restaurant Info is here to help connect you, the job seeker, with the next position in your career! From one simple location, job seekers can:
  • Browse and apply for jobs available in your area.
  • Subscribe to job alerts for positions or types of restaurants.
  • Manage and easily share your resume with prospective employers.
  • Organize and monitor active resume listings for jobs applied.

What are some skills and experience you can highlight on your resume?
Always highlight any restaurant or service experience. Restaurants are always looking for individuals who have an understanding of working in this field, and will be ready to hit the ground running should they be hired.
Some examples of a front-of-house employee’s skillset can include:
  • Time management
  • Ability to learn a new POS system
  • Up-selling menu items
  • Suggesting dishes
  • An enjoyable serving etiquette 
  • Customer service
  • Attention to details in orders
  • Ability to clearly and concisely communicate
  • General industry knowledge

Restaurant Info believes in providing restaurants and its employees with a useful set of tools and accurate insights toward the smooth and successful operation of a restaurant. 
To begin looking for your next position, head over to the job browsing section of Restaurant Info, and start submitting applications now!

by RIBlog